“Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed.” (Khalil Gibran)


here you can find some selected samples. Each necklace is assembled from different pieces which were found by her around the world. Since years at all journeys Ines went, she always negotiated for best pieces and bargained about prices, while Clemens might still be the Master of making the catch of the day, but definetely Ines develops strong business skills.
Our collection which includes tribal silver jewellery of Yemen, Egypt, Kasachstan, Turkmenistan, Sudan, the Middle East, Afghanistan, Indonisia, Pakistan and Myanmar is constantly increasing as we stay on regular changing posts in different countries and take the opportunity to buy. One day we will expose some of our rare collection items here.
Ines has started many years ago with the simple design of ear rings, since the past 5 years she has taken the opportunity to design out of all finds here very own collection. There are those Pieces of Art, which are now available for the general public, Expatriates at Sudan will remember the rare exhibitions organized by Fabrice, where Ines precious stones and silver beads became a regular highlight.

All here shown items in this section are for sale, if you are interested kindly contact Ines with the respective item number shown on the picture for more information.


Ines will gladly inform about the details.